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Porn Actress Kim Kardashian Is Ugly of the Day

Kim Kardashian is the fucking devil…I mean her entire family is equally fucking shit…especially the mastermind monther….but it’s nice to see that this SHITTY PISS COVERED BAD IN BED PORNSTAR FOR ONE MOVIE….who ended up becoming a really tacky money making brand is starting to look as disgusting as I always knew she was….even before she was getting pissed on by black dudes like the urinal in the inter-city basketball court….Her face is sagging and so is her body…aging and filling out more than it always was….and I understand the mom’s stratgy to replace her with her younger daughters while she’s still on top…cuz money can’t buy her Trojan Horse she exploited by releasing her sex tape…something no normal mother would ever think of doing…unless they had money and fame on the brain….but more importantly a retarded, vapid, useless daughter people wanted to see fuck cuz her ass was so ridiculous like Kim Kardashian…cuz I have the inside scoop and even before the shit went down with the sex tape…you know contracts signed, boyfriends briefed on the plan, etc….they had top Publicists already on payroll ready to make this happen….The world is a disgusting place…and so Is Kim Kardashian’s vagina….

If you haven’t seen the SEX TAPE, I SUGGEST YOU BUY IT cuz it’s boring, but shows her in her best light…being the whore she is…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian