I'll Make You Famous…




Amanda Seyfried Hot for Glamour of the Day

Apparently Amanda Seyfried says she’s never going to do full frontal…which is convenient in a time when she doesn’t have to do full frontal….because she gets fully naked regardless….and performs amazing sex scenes when not doing her shitty Disney type movies that she does at the same time as Chloe and this Linda Lovelace shit where she says she’s amazed by the pubic hair she has to wear…that’s not her pubic hair…but movie magic pubic hair that leads me to believe she is in fact doing full frontal even if it’s not her full frontal…but seemingly her full frontal…good enough for me….

I don’t know why I did this boring as fuck bitch, but I do and here she is hot enough for me to notice in Glamour Magazine, even though she’s hot enough for me to notice when she’s walking the dog in period clothing….she’s hot even when she’s boring and not trying….

Posted in:Amanda Seyfried