I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Victoria Silvstedt Bikini of the Day


Tits, tits tits, all I ever post about is fucking tits. I do it for the traffic and despite popular beleive this isn’t a pheromone site. They are just nice enough to give me money to pay my servers and my lawsuits when Nike, Jack Daniels, Miller and fucking Axe Deoderant spray turned my site down. Apparantly I write the word CUNT too many times for “Management” to approve.

Do you remember this bitch? You used to jerk off to her in the 90’s. I wasn’t jerking off in the 90’s. I was too jacked up on whatever I could get my hands on. It was a good 10 years, I don’t remember much about it, and that’s probably why it was good.

Her name is Victoria Silvstedt and I once sold some Swedish guy named Svena 40 bag of coke. Rumor is he’s her brother. I just made that rumor up. What I do wonder is why breast implants don’t work like donating your organs to science after you die. Why can’t a poor bitch have tits too? It’s just not fair.

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