I'll Make You Famous…




Jo Champs in a See Through Dress at a Movie Premiere of the Day

Her name is Jo Champs, at least that’s what I was told in the email that was sent to me with these pictures and I have no idea who she is and either does the internet. She was at some Eddie Murphey movie premiere, so the truth is that she could be anyone since Eddie Murphey movie premieres have a hard time attracting even the most D-List celebrity to attend. They also have a hard enough time selling tickets when it hits regular theaters and on cheap tuesday only 2 dudes can be found watching the shit nationwide and they both work at the theatre and have seen everything else 15 times. The good news for Eddie Murphey is that if he’s lucky horny kids will realize that it’s the movie they’ll probably have the most privacy in when they decide it’s time to lose their virginity before going to college.

I am guessing that the producers of this shit recruited trash through the radio with promises of a glamourous event and this Jo Champs chick took it seriously enough to wear a see through dress that she bought at her local sex shop to show the world her tits and make the most impact she could in her 5 minutes on the red carpet, the best 5 minutes in her life. It turned out she got more positive attention than the movie because no one actually went inside, it’s so bad that even Eddie Murphey didn’t bother attending the event.

Posted in:Dress|Jo Champs|See Through