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Miss USA Embarrasses Her Country At the Miss Universe Contest of the Day

This is all over the news, so I thought I’d throw it up to start the day and for everyone who hasn’t seen it yet to laugh, because seeing people fall is always funny.

Maybe I just like seeing the failed dreams of a little American girl who spent her life thinking about this day at the Miss Universe pageant and finally finds herself at the event and in the top 10, so close to making it come true that the taste of victory is on this bitches lips but she cracks under the the pressure and ends up on her ass.

Maybe this is just a self-sabotaging moment to get back at this girl’s mom, who’s been forcing her to do these pageants since she was a kid, and the dream of being Miss Universe was forced on her by her crazy pagenat mom, and despite being lucky to come out alive and non Jon Benet Ramsayed, still had to commit pageant suicide to come to grips with the deep routed pain she feels.

Maybe I just like seeing the USA fail on the international level even with something so insignificant as a beauty pageant, but I think the truth is that I just like seeing bitches fall on their asses especailly while in beauty pageants, because let’s face it, the brain power it takes to be in one of these contests is about none and seeing Miss USA struggle to put one leg over the other and walk just proves how retarded she is.

Either way, watch the video.

Posted in:Fall|Miss America|Miss Universe|Miss USA