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Jessica Gomes Gets Topless for GQ Italy of the Day

Her name is Jessica Gomes and she’s a SI Bikini model and she’s topless in GQ Italy, because they don’t bother with milking the whole bikini bullshit like Sports Illustrated, you know trying to cover up trying to increase sales by giving dudes chicks in various sexy poses, since it’s more interesting than Interviews with Bo Jackson, you know trying to push the limits of what America will deem decent and not offensive, and even going so far as publishing air brushed body painted pictures so you can’t see any nipple, but you can imagine nipple size and color while in the bathroom at your factory job trying to get off, while Italy goes ahead and leaves nothing but the meatiness of her pussy to our imagination, and throw in the tits since it’s not a big fuckin’ deal, despite what the crazy Christians think, because tits fed us when we were babies and if we’re still lucky, still feed us now, unless of course the tit in your mouth is attached to a fuckin’ cow of a girl like me, in which case shit’s totally inappropriate and emotionally damaging, but still should be deemed apropriate in magazines.

As far as I’m concerned if there’s no dick in the shot, it’s G-Ratedmotherfuckers and I just wish growing up, I knew about these kinds of import Euro magazine photoshoots, because they would have saved me a lot of time trying to stay hard for a topless tribal woman in National Geographic, the closest thing I had access to with naked chicks, because it was a time before the internet.

Eitehr way, check out the hot tits on this bitch.

Posted in:Jessica Gomes|Topless PhotoShoot