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Heidi Klum is Insane for Guitar Hero of the Day

Heidi Klum is a bit of a nutcase and i am not making reference to who she decides to make babies with, but more to how she acts every time she’s on camera.

I assume it’s a cultural thing and maybe has to do with some kind of identity crisis from not working in a german brothel licking asshole like everyone else she knows and instead breakin’ all of Hitler’s plans for his people by marrying a black man, but she’s got good tits and is entertaining to watch when you can turn her the fuck off.

It seems like Victoria’s Secret let her off their leash and allowed her to do some Guitar Hero, Risky business shit, as long as she was wearing their product, and it is more interesting than the Tom Cruise scene from a time when he was a closet fag taking trips to Montreal to fuck dudes, and Scientology hadn’t taken over his life, but not as interesting as seeing Michael J. Fox doing it today, but that’s just because he’d really put the shake into his dance, because he has Parkinson’s.

Here’s another, more boring one….

Posted in:Guitar Hero|Heidi Klum|Lingerie