I'll Make You Famous…




Annalynne McCord Does GQ of the Day

Annalynne McCord is proof that being skinny will get you noticed, because people are distracted by her lean body to realize she’s got some kind of primate shit going on with her face. She has manipulated the system so proper that despite being on a totally useless fucking show I can’t imagine anyone watching, she’s managed to squeeze her way into GQ, like she squeezes herself through small spaces because she can. She’s obviously got a good publicist with a whole lot of contacts who see a bright shiny future for this bitch and they are putting some muscle behind her to get her to really stain the mainstream, like my wife stains my sheets with her secretions. I don’t have anything else to say, because like a reader wrote me in an email, I have soul cancer.

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|GQ