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Beer Bong Pussy of the Day

I hate fratboy jocks. I am pretty sure you all know why and it’s not like they really like me either. Everytime I’ve come across one, it’s always ended in a fight or argument because fuckin’ with morons is funny to me but morons only know how to argue by gang raping you in the bathroom, but don’t worry it’s not gay if they do it together and if it’s meant to teach a lesson.

Either way, I love how his asshole friend, if you watch the video you’ll hear:”

“No, No, He’s Okay”

…..famous last words from the idiot who let you die. I guess next time you Beer Bong, god knows why you’d want to, but if you’re an idiot and do, you know for Spring Break or to impress dumb college chicks with used up Sorority pussy, make sure the asshole you’re doing with is not this guy.

Personally, if I wanna get fucked up, I’d rather drink a lot the traditional way or do recreational drugs, we don’t need to make a mockery of my lifestyle choices by inventing stupid college party tricks. Assholes.

Posted in:Beer Bong|Pussy