I'll Make You Famous…




Haylie Duff Riding Bikes Not Cock of the Day

I am not sure why I am posting these pictures of Haylie Duff, but I can guarantee it is not because I want to fuck her, even if fucking her meant her falling in love with me and asking me to marry her pretty much immediately, because she’s the kind of girl guys just don’t go for, so that when she lands one, she gets hooked up, no matter who the motherfucker is, just as long as he’s willing to fuck her, leading to a life of family dinners with Hilary Duff, a celebrity you and Haylie can spend your nights plotting to exploit, because we know people only care about us because of her.

Unfortunately, Haylie didn’t realize that walking with her mom is a huge mistake if she’s looking for love because her mom is the evidence that marrying Haylie or Hilary Duff for that matter will end in disaster and by disaster I mean both bitches will balloon to some kind of disgusting monster and I don’t mean murder suicide or heartbreak.

Seriously, Haylie better not stop riding that bike, and if anything should hit up Hilary to join her, because both this sluts have genetics to fight against and from what I’ve seen, genetics always win.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Biking|Hayley Duff