I'll Make You Famous…




Best Lead into a Michael Jackson Story of the Day

Here’s some redneck, probbaly Christian piece of welfare trash, who if she stepped back for a secord and looked in the mirror would realize there is no fucking God because if there was a fucking God, he wouldn’t turn anyone into her….not even the worst fucking person out there deserves to be a half retarded redneck piece of trash who looks like something greasy, fat and drying willing to fuck anyone just to feel loved if just for a minute….

After deciphering her poverty accent, I was suprised to realize she was upset a teacher exposed her kids by explaining sex and in turn stealing their innocence…because she looks like the kind of pussy who would bed anything she could as often as she could, explaining her pregnancy she held onto for dear life, and in turn the baby she coddles cuz no cock is desperate enough to have proof that he fucked this thing follow him around for life….but then again, there is always immaculate conception…Maybe there is a god!!

The funniest shit in all this is that she thinks raising her kid in the church, hiding the real life sex issues and sheltering her trash is gonna make her daughter defy statistics that state redneck pussy gets knocked up the first time at 14 and has a family of 3 by 18. Idiots.

Either way, the story made for good lead in to the MJ story…

Posted in:Michael Jackson|Pedophile