I'll Make You Famous…




Emma Roberts in her Underwear of the Day

Emma Roberts was in her underwear in some movie called 4,3,2,1 that I have never heard of, but that does have a lot of young girl lesbianism, so you may want to check it out….

I was making sex with prebubecent girl jokes all weekend, I don’t really know why, but I think it has to do with the company I keep. So seeing these pics of Emma Roberts and her 11 year old premature lookin’ body, I feel uneasy, partially cuz of the shit we were saying is slowly coming to life, but mainly because I don’t really find that prebubescent thing all that erotic,

Unfortunately I know most of you sick fucks do, but I’m not really judging, I think it dates back to farm country who just over 100 years ago, girls were getting married off at 12 because the family just couldn’t afford to keep her, and because that was just the time to start a family…making fucking 12 year olds a bigger part of our heritage than we like to admit.

So don’t let the law make you feel guilty about liking it….even if I think it makes you a real twisted, fucked up, danger to society who should be locked up….

Even though this Emma Roberts bitch is 19 and there really isn’t anything illegal about you pretending she’s 12 cuz she looks it….cuz 19 is legal.

The nice thing about straight to DVD is that there’s always one low level star half naked and a whole lot of bottom feeding twat fully naked….

So here is the lesbian scene with Susannah Fielding & Shanika Warren-Markland….I’ve never heard of either of these bitches, but I like their hustle to get into the industry….

Here is a sex scene with Tasmin Egerton who I’ve never heard of also, but again, good hustle to get noticed…Faking losing her virginity in a movie is the way it’s supposed to be.

Posted in:Emma Roberts