I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez Fake Topless Photo of the Day

Apparently there are fake Selena Gomez topless pics going around….I didn’t see them, but I don’t really read the internet, I write it…badly…

Did you know that it is illegal to photoshop people under the age of 18 onto pictures of people fucking? You can go to jail for that shit…So pedophiles can’t get off to actual naked kids and they can’t get off to modified legal pictures with pictures of kids faces cropped on them, you know to tap into their fantasies and keep them off the streets.forcing them to give creepy while making dirty moans while sitting at the park looking onto kids playing….Where are there rights?

Oh, Selena Gomez is 18…well there goes this post….but it brings up a valid point…who the fuck is sitting at home photoshopping these things and why….oh right…my entire readership…HornyLohanWanker, I’m talking to you…

Publicity stunts are fun with tits…

Posted in:Selena Gomez