I'll Make You Famous…




Amanda Seyfried Does Ryan Phillippe of the Day

Amanda Seyfried was on a date with the dad she’s fucking…or rumored to be fucking….or staged for the public to think they are fucking cuz they have the same representation…and that’s just how Hollywood works…make up stories to make the agents more fucking money than they already get for doing nothing…

And as the unofficial Amanda Seyfried fan club, I like to track her every move….or at least every move in her Stripping sex scene from Chloe that I’ll keep bringing up and bringing up and bringing up until she brings some slutier fucking content for me to fixate on. I’m OCD like that….and she is amazing.

She’s the new Lohan and I’m a fan…thinking about her getting ravaged in the pussy after these pics were taken…cuz if you were stuck with mom of 3 Reese Witherspoon for years, this young pussy would be a breath of fresh air when used as a gas mask….

Here are a few pictures of her on Regis and Kathy Lee Ripa from earlier today promoting Red Clit Hood…

Here’s some Reese Witherspoon to remind you what he used to fuck after he knocked her up on set of Cruel Intentions and she kept it like a good hick would….can we collectively say #Upgrade.

Posted in:Amanda Seyfried