I'll Make You Famous…




Lady Gaga Does Best Buy of the Day

I am going to stop hating on Gaga for being a lie. I figure who fucking cares at this point. I can’t bring her down. No one is going to investigative report her to find out the truth that she’s a marketing campaign for a record label to target the gays gone right…and in some calculated way…where she pretends to no give a shit or try…is really all contrived like crazy…because people seem to really love her spectacle…and she seems to dress half naked…and despite her hideous face and everything she stands for as she turns the whole world gay…I can’t hate on public appearances outfitted like this….It’s just not in my bag of tricks to ever turn on an ugly chick half naked and crying for attention…who may not even be a chick….cuz that whole half naked thing wins me over…even when there’s deep rooted hatred for the bitch invovled…I don’t understand me. I just know I’m ashamed. Probably something Gaga’s family can relate to…until they see her pay stubs…

This whole thing is insane, and it’s not going away anytime soon. I don’t get it. She’s so fucking vile….I can’t imagine anyone masturbates to this….

All this to say , someone needs to get hot pussy back into pop. Maybe that’ll be my summer project.

Posted in:Lady Gaga