I'll Make You Famous…




Kristen Stewart’s Behind the Scenes Glamour Photoshoo of the Day

Kristen Stewart, or as I like to call her “everybody’s favorite inbred who has had sex with her dad because I’ve seen pics of him and he looks like that kind of guy”, was in Glamour magazine, despite looking inbred, white trash, all full of teenage angst even though she’s not a teenager, but just an icon to one, because she was the not very hot love interest that gives hope to all girls who aren’t good looking that maybe one day they’ll be love interests too…accessible, but it’s gone to her head.., and the only real thing that she’s ever had that was Glamorous was a KFC meal on regular priced night, you know before being fancy, famous and full of shit and all…..

Either way, a pornstar who went legit before doing porn, rich trash in Glamour magazine, rocking a little see though…..that you probably won’t be able to masturbate to but I’m posting it anyway…cuz you’re such a weird Kristen Stewart fan. Creep.

Posted in:Kristen Stewart